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Why to Consider African American Attorneys for Your Representation

Oct 11, 2023

When it’s time to call up a lawyer for your next case, consider working with experienced African American attorneys in your local area. These professionals have extensive legal knowledge and can provide you with the help you need to win your case. Here's how you can benefit from taking the initiative to work with African American attorneys in your community.

We Can Recognize Judicial Discrimination as It Happens

As African American lawyers working in the Jacksonville, FL area, we understand how significantly judicial discrimination can affect our clients. Whether you're facing discrimination in the workplace or in the justice system, you can count on us for help. As you may know, there are a lot of ways people can face discrimination. According to, workplace age discrimination claims are nearly a quarter of all claims reported to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Getting the right support is your best chance of succeeding in your important case.

We Make up a Small Portion of the Legal Workforce

Currently, African American attorneys make up just a small portion of the legal workplace, which has traditionally been overwhelmingly white. According to a report by The Guardian, 88% of active U.S. lawyers are white, with African Americans accounting for only 4.8%, which is a huge disparity. By working with African American lawyers, you can help support those already working in the market today to help us aim for a more diverse future.

Working with African American lawyers opens up doors for future generations by showing young ones that, despite our small numbers in the current attorney market, we can succeed in any way we aim for. Supporting successful African American legal experts helps them gain more visibility, ultimately showing other young ones that we can achieve whatever we want in this life. A more diverse field of attorneys at work in our community is the key to our goal of a more just society.

These important benefits make working with
African American attorneys a smart choice for anyone who needs legal counsel. Our legal experts can provide you with the high-quality support you need to thrive. Please reach out to our team at Esquire Litigation Group if you’re in need of assistance in the Jacksonville, FL area. We also have nationwide offices in Atlanta, Los Angeles, Miami, and Tampa.

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